Episode 6 - Jurassic Park (Part 2)

We don't endorse dinosaurs eating children

6 years ago

What's that rumbling sound in the distance? Don't worry...it's just our discussion episode for Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton! We dig into the book. (See what we did there?) We leave no stone unturned--we talk about everything from the characters, to the campiness, to the compeys. And don't worry--we talk about Jurassic Park the movie, too. Oh! And Maria has a pretty strong reaction to Jurassic World that you don't want to miss! Hold onto your butts and be prepared for spoilers!

Pro tip: all the dino talk starts around the 10:00 mark, right after we share the biggest book news of the week.

A huge, brachiosaurus-sized thanks to our vicious, adorable dinosaur roarers who made the ending of this episode the best ever: Ben, Caroline, and Emilie!

Episode Shout-Outs: Poppy (@talltalespoppynwosu) @799Books Georgie (@GeorgieAndOurBooks) @Phinnley @LiteraryEmpress Ileana (@whirligigworld) Georgina (@georginakaneauthor) Brittany (@Britts_artistry)

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